Alexey Churchwell

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Image credit  Feathered Angels Animal Sanctuary

The Duck with a Prosthetic Foot: 3D Printing and Veterinary Care

Buttercup the duck got a new foot – and pet owners get a new possibility.

Microsoft is trying to make 3D printing mainstream.

Why Windows Supports 3D Printing

Microsoft recently announced that Windows 8.1 will support 3D printers – and that’s an excellent move.

Is it time to include a 3D printer in your toolshed?

Are 3D Printers Really Practical?

3D printers are slowly become affordable enough to take their place in your home. But are they practical enough for day to day needs?

Would You Eat a 3D Printed Pizza?

Would You Eat a 3D Printed Pizza?

3D printed pizzas may be here sooner than you think.

Image credit DeltaMaker

3D Printers – Kickstarter Edition

3d Printer manufacturers often get a lot of support from Kickstarter – and some of the results are completely amazing.